Zero Risk and Huge Opportunity
As the decision maker in the hiring process it is important to not only determine who is the best candidate but also to justify the cost of the search process. Apex Executive Recruiting is a contingency search firm so we only charge you a fee if you select one of our candidates. Otherwise there is absolutely no obligation for our services. Moreover, since Apex Executive Recruiting utilizes the same in-depth evaluation tools and specialize in the same array of job titles as retained search firms, your bottom line is the beneficiary of Apex's contingency fee structure
A Wide-Range of Experience
The Apex Client Specialist researches your organization, it's staffing needs and the requirements specified for the open position. The Apex Client Specialist's narrows the list of candidates that match the open position. The Apex Client Specialist's evaluation begins when appropriate candidate is located. The candidates skills and background are compared to the open position's requirements. The Apex candidate, once evaluated and deemed a match for the open position, is presented to you for an interview and your evaluation. Once the ideal match has been made and selection process has been completed, Apex works with you on every detail. From packaging the offer through relocation- they deliver their candidate - your new employee - to their new position